
How to get Cadense and speed information using gattool

Last post was a quick "Yay it worked" post. This explains the procedure in more detail.

First use hcitool to scan for your device (activate it in some way so that it powers on first)

Now you know the address, start gattool and connect

$ gatttool -b 00:18:31:E4:D7:89 -I
[ ][00:18:31:E4:D7:89][LE]> connect

Ask for the primary services:

[CON][00:18:31:E4:D7:89][LE]> primary
attr handle: 0x0001, end grp handle: 0x000b uuid: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb

Playing with CSCP Cycling Speed and Cadence using gattool

Inspired by a BB demo app I got myself a PanoBike CSCP BLE dongle a while back. Never had the time to do more than test it with the BB demo application and then I more or less forgot about it (and had no proper bike to use it on).

Today, inspiration hit me and I started to look at it a bit, for now first with gattool only.

Took a while to figure it out, BLE is a bit of a mystery with UUIDs and handles and so on.
