Tutorials, guides and articles

Instructions on how to prepare a Debian Raspbian for headless USB serial console use on a Raspberry Pi Zero, Zero W, A and A+ boards using USB OTG (gadget) mode. Note that these are the only models where it is possible to do so as they don't have a USB hub and the OTG mode is available for use.
Instructions on how to build Qt 5.8 on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Debian Jessie.
Instructions on how to build Qt 5.8 on a Raspberry Pi under Raspbian Debian Stretch.
Various examples on creating timelapse videos using gstreamer, from capturing to combining image files into a video.
How to download apk archives of installed applications from a Android phone.
Instructions on how to build Qt 5.5 on a Raspberry Pi on Debian Wheezy