Bluetooth beacon
A compact Bluetooth LE Eddystone beacon implementation in pure C for Linux. It supports broadcasting of URL, UID and TLM Eddystone frames
A compact Bluetooth LE Eddystone beacon implementation in pure C for Linux. It supports broadcasting of URL, UID and TLM Eddystone frames
A multimedia framework using pure Qt with a QIODevice interface. Supports both Qt 4 and 5.
Hello GPS is a basic GPS Hello World app, showing basic GPS information. The applications main purpose is the source, showing how to access GPS data trough D-Bus from GeoClue.
This was the only way to access GPS information in a harbour sanctioned way. Since update " (Äijänpäivänjärvi)" you are allowed to use the Qt provied QtLocation and QtPositioning APIs.
Onkyo and Integra ISCP network protocol library for Qt with QtQuick support. This library enabled easy control of networked A/V receivers by Onkyo and Integra from Qt and QtQuick based applications.
YLE Radio player for SailfishOS/Jolla and BlackBerry 10 devices. It supports all publicly available YLE Radio stations Yle Radio 1, Yle X3M, YleX, Klassinen, Yle Radio Suomi, Yle Radio Vega, Sámi, Puhe and Elävä arkisto.
Onki is a Onkyo and Integra A/V receiver remote controll application for SailfishOS/Jolla and BlackBerry 10 devices.