Onki, an Onkyo remote app, is getting a port to the BlackBerry 10 platform. Basics are already working, but there is still work to be done.
Qt includes all kinds of nice positioning and location things, unfortunately they are not allowed in Jolla store yet, but it seems to be allowed to talk directly with geoclue trough D-Bus. Examples? Oh nonono.
The Jolla harbour QA did their thing and Onki 0.0.5 is now finally available in the Jolla store. Have fun!
Onki 0.0.4 and 0.0.5 was released. Had to do a quick 0.0.5 release directly after 0.0.4 as it didn't pass the harbour QA, hope they are happy with 0.0.5. Onki 0.0.5 is available now in OpenRepos and hopefully soon in Jolla store.
A new version of Onki, the remote Onkyo & Integra remote control application for Jolla, is coming RSN, it is not out just yet, needing a tiny bit of polish and testing. This version comes with a lot of new features:
Released a small update to Y-Radio a couple of days ago, version 1.0.7. This release makes the song information a bit more compact, using Sailfish UI standard components where the Artist and title is side-by-side.
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