Our software and hardware projects
YLE Radio player for SailfishOS/Jolla and BlackBerry 10 devices. It supports all publicly available YLE Radio stations Yle Radio 1, Yle X3M, YleX, Klassinen, Yle Radio Suomi, Yle Radio Vega, Sámi, Puhe and Elävä arkisto.
A port of Maelstrom to BlackBerry 10 phones and the PlayBook tablet.
Was available for download on BlackBerry World
Work in progress QML friendly QObject wrapper and around mosquitto MQTT library.
Note: Not recommended. Use QtMQTT.
Arduino controlled autonomous train set. This is work project, the software running on the Arduino is open-source and available on github.
Views Commerce Extras adds some extra options when using Commerce products in views. Validate and use SKU as argument to
ActiveInformation infonäyttö - KonseptiParempaa tietoa: Asukkaille, Turisteille ja Matkustajille hyödyntäen avoimien rajapintojen dataa.
CuteGTFS, a Qt C++ GTFS, General Transit Feed Specification, parsing and query library.
A port of the free, GPL licensed, ScummVM to BlackBerry Playbook tablet and (soon) BlackBerry 10 phones.
A retro music player for BlackBerry 10 devices. Supports playback of Commodore 64 SID files, Atari music files and Amiga & PC tracker modules in various formats.